Long-term missing teeth, these hazards you need to know.

Even if you are just missing a tooth, you need to pay attention and take treatment in time.

  1. Involvement of healthy teeth: neighboring teeth lose their reliance, may slowly shift and grow crooked, and finally cause tooth loosening;
  2. Impact on the face, old: the opposite side of the teeth for a long time lack of biting objects, resulting in biting disorders, which may lead to the left and right face asymmetry over time; if the number of missing teeth is more. It will also make the cheeks sunken and look old;
  3. Trigger dental caries, bad breath, periodontal disease and other diseases: missing teeth lead to gaps in the teeth, it is easier to accumulate food debris breeding oral bacteria, and many people’s oral cleaning work is far from being done;
  4. affect the chewing and digestive functions, and meals do not taste good;
  5. Speech may become slurred: the formation of vacancies in the dental bed after missing teeth will affect the lip and tooth sounds and the sound of the teeth, resulting in leakage of speech;
  6. Alveolar bone atrophy home: one of the roles of the maxilla and mandible and alveolar bone is to support the teeth, after missing teeth, the alveolar bone is bound to resorption or atrophy symptoms, and with the passage of time, the resorption will be more and more serious, the formation of the bone quality (e.g., bone density) to reduce the amount of bone is also lowered, such as the need for implantation of the bone crest of the area of the width of the bone thinner, and even bone inverted concave, shorter in length, lower in height, and so on.

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